Small Projects
PHOTOGRaphy: THE San Francisco PROJECT
A look inside the Lower Haight. All photos taken on Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm.
I decided to dive into a monotype project, something a bit off the beaten path. Instead of sticking to convention, I got playful and started printing on top of previous works. I also went all out experimenting with various materials and techniques, pushing the boundaries of what I could create. And get this, it all started with a crazy dream I had one night. That dream became the driving force behind this entire series, adding a touch of whimsy and mystery to the whole artistic adventure.
After gallivanting around Europe for a solid four months, I put together a collection of the different ladies I ran into across the various cities. These characters ended up being my creative outlet to capture the essence of my overseas adventure and all the unique cultural encounters. "Ladies of Europe" was basically my passion project, giving a visual spin on what it's like to travel as a student through the melting pot of European cities.
This project was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 mystery thriller. The protagonist of the film is, not unlike us, stuck in his apartment. He however does not have streaming video and games or the internet. Instead he spends his time snooping at the neighbors and hoping that he may have stumbled onto a murder mystery. While we do have distraction devices on hand, for this project I decided to slow down and re-engage with outside, even if it was only through a window. Isolation during the pandemic forced us all to look inward to the vast inner space of our thoughts and feelings.
While stuck in quarantine and embracing "shelter-in-place", I needed to keep my boredom at bay, so I dabbled in a bunch of little projects. That's when "My Favorite Smells" hit me like a whiff of freshly baked cookies on a lazy Sunday morning. Now, I'm thinking about taking this quirky project to the next level and building a collection of people's most treasured scents and their snazzy surroundings. Who knew quarantine could lead to such fragrant adventures, right?